Young Biomimics

It’s so inspiring to see young people addressing the challenges and opportunities of designing cleaner, more sustainable products and technologies—nowhere more so than with the Biomimicry Student Design Challenge. Facilitated by the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute, the Challenge aims to promote the exploration of innovative, bio-inspired designs among college students. The challenge topic is announced in the fall, giving students nearly […]

By |July 14th, 2014|Biomimicry in Action, Shark Bites, Technology|Comments Off on Young Biomimics

Shouldn’t be able to …

I ran across this article in an Australian publication, Business Insider, about the new “RoboClam, […]

By |May 12th, 2014|Biomimicry in Action, Sea life, Shark Bites, Technology|Comments Off on Shouldn’t be able to …

Heat, beat, and treat—or maybe not

Most of our environmental and economic problems result from an out–of–date way of doing business. Industry has continued to depend on the same old “heat, beat, and treat” methods that were mechanized in the industrial revolution, but these methods simply aren’t sustainable. Nature, on the other hand, constantly evolves, survives, and thrives, while not using up or endangering its base resources. It reinvents itself, […]

By |April 28th, 2014|Shark Bites, Technology|Comments Off on Heat, beat, and treat—or maybe not